Strong and dependable breakwaters to protect your coastal infrastructure

Engineered steel pontoon breakwater
With the energy of a wave traveling in an elliptical motion, the depth of a floating breakwater is very important. If the bottom of the ellipse is greater than the depth of the breakwater, a part of the wave will travel under the breakwater. The deeper the breakwater is, the greater the wave dampening effect of the floating break wall. This is an important thing to keep in mind while designing a floating wave attenuator system.
West Coast Floatation Systems has been part of many small and large breakwater projects and we now focus on engineered systems to suit each individual customer location. We can build these from high-grade steel and concrete, and we also take care of the installation details for you.
If this is not what you are after, we are able to anchor smaller boom logs to help reduce wave action in and around swimming areas or unprotected lake locations that do not suit a larger breakwater system.
West Coast Floatation Systems can design a breakwater for you that will come in on budget and on time. Contact us today at 250 597-3625 to see what we can do for you!
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